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Though Futurama is a sitcom, with many of its gags/jokes based upon incorrect science, and physical impossible methods, and no one should actually criticise show for these goofs. This article nonetheless attempts to list incorrect elements in the show.


In the first episode, and later episodes the concept of Cryonics is often shown. The entire concept of the show is based around this element. However, no one has never been able to dry people back up, currently only resulting in their death. Though, it is considered that in the future there may be methods to reverse the freezing.

More info: Wikipedia:Cryonics

Artificial gravity

In many science fiction tales, ships travel with some sort of artificial gravity that drags people at 1G towards the bottom of the ship. However, this method is usually done for the sake of ease of filming. A more likely proposal would be to rotate the ship fast enough when flying in space, thus allowing its passengers to walk on the sides of the ship. In Futurama this achievement is prematurely described.

More info: Wikipedia:Artificial gravity

Faster-than-light travel

Most science fiction concepts uses a secondary universe (e.g. Hyperspace) where the speed of light is not a limit. In Futurama the speed of light was increased. Though this seems to be unimportant for how the Planet Express travels, where instead it moves the universe around. Could sound reasonable, but imagine the consequences if more than more ship were flying with these sort of engines.

More info: Wikipedia:Faster-than-light


In some episodes, they look out in space at something that is happening at the same time, but obviously is very far away. It work take years for light to reach them (even if the speed of light was increased).

More info: Wikipedia:Light

Communication in space

Today, information travels at the speed of light. Good enough if you're sending the information around a planet. But if you were to send information to the Sun for instance, it would take 8 minutes. Imagine the delay if you were to send to a distant galaxy? Of course, there may exist an explanation for this, though not covered in Futurama, where communication wouldn't have to travel in space.

Parallel Universe(s)

This may more be a historical error, than simply scientific. In The Farnsworth Parabox episode, it is explained that in Universe 1, the difference between that and Universe A is the outcome of a coin toss. However, if that were to be believed, every parallel universe would not appear exactly parallel to ours, except if it was a copy of ours. They may start the same (the universes that is), but due to human and animal nature, Earth may not even include humans. We should simply consider ourselves lucky for existing.

More info: [Parallel universe (fiction) Wikipedia:Parallel universe]

Scent in Space

Although covered by Cubert Farnsworth, smell and thus scent cannot travel through the emptiness of space.

More info: Wikipedia:Scent

Sound in Space

A common mistake in science fiction is to have sound in space, usually in space combat. This is also present in Futurama. In fact, Firefly would be one of the few science fiction concepts that didn't use sound in space at all.

More info: Wikipedia:Sound

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